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This list is guaranteed to provide you with the best old lady names for dogs! Whether you’re looking for an old fashioned name, funny name, or cute name there is an old lady dog name for your puppy.

Whether you are adopting a new puppy or a senior dog – one of these old lady dog names is sure to be perfect! Naming your dog can be really overwhelming so we’ve tried to make it as easy as possible.
To help you with the process we’ve sorted this list alphabetically from A-Z. At the end you’ll find a list of our favorites along with some additional tips on how to pick a dog name. We know it’s a very big decision!
This list was created to help you find old lady dog names however it could also be used to help name any new pets (cats, rabbits, you name it – literally). If you’re looking for a more boy-ish old name be sure to check out Old Man Dog Names for some more inspiration!
This post is all about the best old lady names for dogs.
That Start With A
Any of these old lady names would be perfect for your new puppy or senior dog! If you’re considering a dog name that starts with A, check out our full list of A Dog Names!
Addison | Annette |
Adina | Angela |
Agatha | Ann |
Agnes | Annabelle |
Alexandria | Annalise |
Alice | Annette |
Alma | Arlene |
That Start With B
These are some classic names! If you want to see more, check out our full list of B Dog Names!
Barb | Bethany |
Barbara | Betsey |
Beatrix | Betty |
Bernadette | Blanche |
Bernice | Bonnie |
Bess | Brenda |
Beth | Bridget |
That Start With C
So many good dog names that start with C, especially for senior pups. Check out our full list of C Dog Names!
Carla | Cindy |
Carmella | Clara |
Carol | Claribel |
Cassandra | Claudia |
Catherine | Connie |
Charlene | Constance |
Cheryl | Cordelia |
Christy | Cybill |
That Start With D
Names perfect for your old lady dog. Or check out our full list of D Dog Names!
Darlene | Dolly |
Deb | Dolores |
Deborah | Donna |
Dee | Doreen |
Devora | Dorrit |
Diana | Dottie |
That Start With E
Some of the most classic names out there. Or check out our full list of E Dog Names!
Eden | Elsie |
Edie | Emilia |
Edith | Emily |
Edna | Emma |
Eileen | Emmylou |
Elaina | Ensley |
Eleanor | Erin |
Elise | Esme |
Eliza | Estella |
Elizabeth | Estelle |
Ellen | Esther |
Ellery | Ethel |
Ellie | Eva |
Elma | Eve |
Elodie | Evelyn |
Eloise | Everley |
Elora | Evie |
That Start With F
How cute would a dog named Filbert be? If you like these names be sure to check out our full list of F Dog Names!
Fabiola | Femke |
Fabra | Flavia |
Fannie | Flo |
Fantasia | Flora |
Fanya | Florence |
Farrah | Floris |
Farren | Fran |
Fatima | Francesca |
Faye | Francine |
Felicia | Freya |
That Start With G
These are perfect grumpy old lady dog names. Be sure to check out our full list of G Dog Names if you like these names!
Gayle | Gertrude |
Genevieve | Gina |
Genie | Glennon |
Georgina | Guinevere |
Geraldine | Gwendolyn |
That Start With H
The name Harvey has a special place in my heart as it’s my cats name. Check out our full list of H Dog Names!
Harriet | Henriette |
Hattie | Hester |
Helen | Hilda |
Helga | Hillary |
That Start With I
I dog names are tough to come up with, especially old lady names but here are a couple. Interested in seeing more? Check out our full list of I Dog Names!
Irene | Irma |
Ida | Isabel |
Isabella | Isadora |
Imogene | Ingrid |
That Start With J
You’ll find some more classic names with this section. Check out our full list of J Dog Names!
Jacqueline | Jo-Ann |
Jamila | Jocelyn |
Jane | Joelle |
Janelle | Josephine |
Janice | Joyce |
Jennifer | Judith |
Jo | Judy |
That Start With K
Check out our full list of K Dog Names if you’d like to see other options!
Karen | Kerry |
Karla | Kimberly |
Kathleen | Klara |
Kay | Kris |
Kaylin | Kristina |
Kellyann | Krystal |
That Start With L
You’ll certainly find some old fashioned dog names on this list. If you’d like check out more, view our full list of L Dog Names!
Latreece | Lizbeth |
Laura | Lois |
Lavern | Lorelai |
Lenora | Lori |
Lenore | Lorraine |
Leoda | Louise |
Leslie | Lucille |
Lilith | Lucinda |
Linda | Lupita |
Lisa | Lynette |
That Start With M
There are so many good m dog names. Definitely one of the most popular letters that dog names start with. Check out our full list of M Dog Names!
Mable | Mary Lou |
Marceen | Mary Ruth |
Margaret | Maxine |
Marge | Meredith |
Marilyn | Merryl |
Marjorie | Midge |
Marnie | Mirtie |
Martha | Monica |
Martina | Moira |
Mary | Myrtle |
That Start With N
These names are so simple and cute! Check out our full list of N Dog Names!
Nadia | Nia |
Nadine | Nikita |
Nancy | Nikki |
Nanny | Nina |
Naomi | Nita |
Natalie | Noelle |
Natasha | Nora |
Nedra | Noreen |
Nessa | Nori |
Netty | Norma |
That Start With O
The old lady dog names that start with O might be some of our favorites. Check out our full list of O Dog Names!
Ociana | Olivia |
Octavia | Oma |
Odessa | Opal |
Odette | Ophelia |
Olga | Opra |
That Start With P
Check out our full list of P Dog Names if you want some more inspiration!
Padma | Persephone |
Paget | Petra |
Paisley | Peyton |
Pamela | Phoebe |
Parvati | Phyllis |
Pat | Pia |
Patrice | Pip |
Patricia | Piper |
Patsey | Polly |
Paula | Poppy |
Pauline | Portia |
Peg | Prim |
Peggy | Primrose |
Penelope | Priscilla |
Pepa | Prudy |
That Start With Q
Q dog names are so unique and would be perfect for your old lady dog. Check out our full list of Q Dog Names!
Quinn | Queen |
That Start With R
You’ll find lots of ideas that start with R or check out our full list of R Dog Names!
Rae | Roberta |
Ramona | Robin |
Rebecca | Rochel |
Regina | Roseanne |
Renee | Rosemary |
Rhea | Roxanna |
Rita | Ruth |
That Start With S
Check out our full list of S Dog Names – you’ll find so many ideas!
Sally | Sherry |
Salma | Shirley |
Samantha | Simone |
Sandra | Sonia |
Sandy | Sue |
Selma | Susan |
Sharon | Susanna |
Sheila | Susie |
Shelly | Sybil |
That Start With T
Some very classic dog names here. There are so many good dog names that start with T, check out our full list of T Dog Names!
Tamar | Tina |
Tamia | Tish |
Tammy | Tracy |
Teresa | Trish |
Terri | Trisha |
Theodora | Trudy |
Tiffany | Twyla |
That Start With U
Okay.. this one was tough!! But either of these options would be a cute old lady dog name. Check out our full list of U Dog Names!
Urma | Ursula |
That Start With V
Check out our full list of V Dog Names if you want to see more options!
Valerie | Victoria |
Vanya | Vilma |
Vega | Viola |
Verna | Virge |
Vicky | Vivica |
That Start With W
Surprisingly there are lots of old lady dog names that start with W. Want to check out some other ideas, be sure to view our full list of W Dog Names!
Wanda | Willow |
Wanita | Wilma |
Wendy | Winnie |
Whit | Winona |
Whitney | Wren |
That Start With X
X dog names are tough to come up with but check out our full list of X Dog Names to see the very best!
Xena | Xenia |
That Start With Y
Again, not the easiest to come up with Y names, especially for old lady themed dog names. But here are a couple or check out our full list of Y Dog Names for some other fun ideas!
Yana | Yolie |
Yara | Yona |
Yasmine | Yvette |
Yolanda | Yvonne |
That Start With Z
Last but not least, you’ll find some ideas for names that start with Z. Check out our full list of Z Dog Names!
Zara | Zoey |
Zoya | Zuri |
Best Old Lady Dog Names
There are no names that are technically better than others but we couldn’t help but select a few of our favorites on the way. See what names made the top of our list!
Addison | Agatha |
Betsey | Bonnie |
Claribel | Dolly |
Dottie | Evie |
Faye | Gayle |
Hattie | Jo |
Lavern | Marnie |
Opal | Prim |
Quinn | Susie |
Wren | Zoey |
Tips for Selecting Old Lady Names for Dogs
Here are some tips on how to settle on a name for your new dog if you’re debating between a few options.
- Keep It short-(ish): Short names are easy to say and easy for your dog to understand. That means one or two syllable names are your best bet. Don’t worry, most of the old lady names on this list are on the short end. If you do fall in love with a name that is longer, consider a nickname. Many of the longer names on this list have a shortened version that would be sweet.
- Avoid confusion: It is very important for your dog to recognize his or her name. You can help them avoid confusion by avoiding names that sound too similar to common commands or other names in your household.
- Test, Test, Test: It can take some time to settle on a name. To prevent any remorse, take some time to test out the names you like. Start by saying each name aloud and see if it’s easy for you to say. Then try the names with your dog to see if one is a fit.
- Go with your gut: It doesn’t hurt to take a few days to be sure you like the name but at the end of the day go with your gut! It’s your dog and you’ll be saying the name a lot so be sure you’re happy with it 🙂
Did you find a few names you like from this list of old lady names for dogs? We hope so, but if you’re still on the hunt for a dog name be sure to check out this compilation of all the most popular dog names.